Welcome to my house
Hi, I run a small business from home which has overtaken our current home. Chairs fill every corner and injuring oneself on them has become a painful habit. At one time I counted 45 extra chairs inside the house (plus more in the shed!)! We need to upsize, and finding just the right house has been a challenge.
Top of our list of criteria is 4 bedrooms for the family, and enough studio space to keep the chairs at bay, and bonus points for a separate entrance for the business when my clients come to collect their refurbished pieces!
After 4 months of hunting, waiting and dodging the chair situation, we have chosen this gorgeous Spanish style home - it ticks all the boxes for us, and with a make-over, will be so perfect for us.
So here she is! Introducing Casa Barrett. 

She's ready for her make-over, and we are itching to get started!
Lets do this!
Looking forward to the housewarming!