Boys rooms in progress

In the only 2 rooms not painted by the professional painters (at my request), I have been busy covering myself, and various other things in glorious paint. 

In the larger bedroom (for my oldest boy - my Ginger aged 9) I have been DIYing some special curtains. I ended up purchasing blockout white curtaining with the hook tape already across the top. I have hemmed all of the remaining edges, then masked out a border with painters tape, and then painted the border with fabric craft paint. Even though I will have to take them down for the floor sanding, I couldn't wait to see how they looked hung up! Here's the first of 2 panels. FABULOUS!!

And in the second (Master 7's) room, the blackboard wardrobe and wall is now complete with new modern handles, and the striped ceiling is all done (but hard hard work!). I LOVE the results, and can't wait for the floorboards to be blackened!
 Loving it!!


  1. Love those curtains! I can't believe you didn't tell me you were blogging your makeover/reno progress!

    1. Thank you gorgeous Tammy, this is such a huge project, and I'm thinking it will be fun to share the progress. So glad you're along for the ride, xx

  2. This looks amazing! I am considering a blackboard wall for my girls in their play area... I'm just concerned about the amount of chalk dust that will end up on the floor... thoughts?

    Love the blog!!!! Linda. :D

    1. Hi Linda, I did a blackboard wall for my 9 yr old boy's room in our previous house and, as we have easy to clean floors (ie not carpet!). it hasn't been a problem at all. Good luck with yours!


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